Monday, December 15, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Here are some of the Christmas decorations in my apartment...
Some of the girls before the Christmas concerts :)  (Natalie, Laura, and Stephanie - they are awesome)

Monday, December 8, 2008

Someday, I will have time to write!

Ahhhhh I am one of the worst bloggers in the world lol.  I'm sorry it's been forever... Update to come soon!!! :)

Thursday, November 6, 2008


i see the king of glory
coming on the clouds with fire
the whole earth shakes
the whole earth shakes

i see a generation
rising up to take the place
with selfless faith
with selfless faith

i see a near revival
stirring as we pray and seek
we're on our knees
we're on our knees

hosanna, hosanna
hosanna in the highest
hosanna, hosanna
hosanna in the highest

heal my heart and make it clean
open up my eyes to the things unseen
show me how to love like you have loved me

break my heart for what breaks yours
everything I am for your kingdom's cause
as I walk from earth into eternity

hosanna, hosanna
hosanna in the highest
hosanna, hosanna
hosanna in the highest

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I was so unique
Now I feel skin deep
I count on the make-up to cover it all
Crying myself to sleep cause I cannot keep their attention
I thought I could be strong
But it's killing me

Does someone hear my cry?
I'm dying for new life

I want to be beautiful
Make you stand in awe
Look inside my heart,
and be amazed
I want to hear you say
Who I am is quite enough
Just want to be worthy of love
And beautiful

Sometimes I wish I was someone other than me
Fighting to make the mirror happy
Trying to find whatever is missing
Won't you help me back to glory

You  make me beautiful
You make me stand in awe
You step inside my heart,
and I am amazed
I love to hear to You say
Who I am is quite enough
You make me worthy of love
and beautiful.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I've been contemplating a lot of things lately... being here does that to me... things are different than I thought they'd be.  

Too much focus is put on things that are unimportant.  All of my energy seems to go into not getting caught up in pointless drama, being in a relationship, getting married, competition, cliques, and the way you look (hair, makeup, clothes).  When I'm worshipping God, does he really care if my hair is curled?  Why does the shade of my lipstick matter more than the condition of my heart?  Simple answer? It doesn't.  I have had to make strong decisions on who/what I'm going to focus on.  I can walk toward idols and superficial things, or I can follow Jesus, my Savior.  Even though, I'm struck by this opposition every day, there are a few things I'm sure of...

I want to know God.
I want to know who I am in him.

I want to see things the way God intended me to see them,
not the way other people try to portray them.

I want to trust him with my life.
and know that he has an amazing journey set out for me.

I want to laugh often,
dance freely,
and hug longer.

I want him to be my best friend,
my all,
my everything.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


We've had a little problem with some of the roommates not cleaning up after themselves, so Ebony and I decided to make a couple signs.

Here's the one I made and put above the kitchen sink... :)

Friday, October 17, 2008

The new roomies :) ... minus one.

(From Left to Right): Ebony, me, Amy, Kendall

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Come raggio di sol

Come raggio di sol mite e sereno
Sovra placidi flutti si riposa,
Mentre del mare nel profondo seno
Sta la tempesta ascosa:
Cosi riso talor gaio e pacato
Di contento, di gioia un labbro infiora,
Mentre nel suo segreto il cor piagato
S'angoscia e si martora.

As a ray of sun mild and serene,
upon placid waves itself rests,
while of the sea in the profound bosom
remains the tempest hidden,
so laughter, sometimes gay and peaceful
with contentment, with joy a lip touches,
while in its secret depths the heart wounded
anguishes and itself tortures.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

it's gonna be alright, child...

it's gonna be alright, child
even through the darkest night, child
i'll even use the darkness to teach you how to hear me
it's gonna be alright now
even if you don't see how
i'll even use your failure to help you to draw near me

so hear me
i am calling
child, come falling deeper in love with me
trust me
you must let go
or you will never know any deeper love in me

it's gonna be alright here
if you will let me hold your heart near
i'll even use your sorrow
to teach you how to love me
it's gonna be alright, child
i'll hold you really close and tight, child
i'll even use your woundings
to help you know more of me

so hear me
i am calling
child, come falling deeper in love with me
just trust me
you must let go
or you will never know any deeper love in me

why do you hold onto the things of your past?
let go and cling to me and love that will last
how can you know me if you do not trust my love?
let go, you'll find my love is more than enough

oh, hear me
i am calling
child, come falling deeper in love with me
oh, trust me
you must let go
or you will never know any deeper love in me
letting go will set you free

it's gonna be alright, now
even if you can't see how
i'll even use your failure to help you to draw near me.

Dennis Jernigan came and spoke/led worship at chapel yesterday. (If you don't know him, he wrote "You are my all in all").  It was an amazing time of worship.  He sang the song that you see above... this song really touched me and I could tell it had the same effect on the other people in the room.  God knew that it was just the thing I (and many other people) needed to hear.  The song is beautiful and I hope it will touch you as much as it touched me.

Friday, October 3, 2008

It's 2am...

Yes, I am still awake - well, just barely.  I'm basically just writing this post to attempt to wake myself up... I have a "Jesus and the Gospels" exam in 6 hours and I am attempting to study, even though my mind is kind of like mush at the moment.  It's not really working.  Oh, well... back to work.

Sorry I haven't written an update in awhile.  It's been on my list of things to do for the last week or so and things have been insanely busy.  I'll try to fit it in this weekend... love to all :)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Who knew?

So it's been a couple weeks since I last wrote.  Classes have now begun... dun dun dun ;)
So far so good.  I've been crazy busy with classes and study/practice time.  Pretty much, I've fallen asleep studying every night for the last week and a half.  I did get to go home this weekend, which was wonderful - got to spend some much needed time with my friends and family.  

God has been stretching me so much over this first month.  It's amazing how much can happen in that short amount of time.  This past week, I was able to start my private voice lessons.  My new teacher and I sat and talked for the first chunk of my lesson to get to know each other and when I told her I would be graduating in Spring 2010, she said, "Oh, well we better start working on your Senior recital repertoire."  Whoa.  Step back.  It just kind of blew my mind as I was leaving my lesson thinking... who knew that I would be here one day? ... getting ready for a senior recital... working on "O mio babbino caro"???  (If you don't know of this opera piece, look it up on itunes... you'll recognize it)  Crazy... yet God is awesome in that way.  He will take you places and teach you things you never thought you'd learn.  I'm learning so much by being here.  Even though it's been quite challenging at times, I know God is going to do a ton in my heart while I am here... even if it is through the struggles and drudgery (that's a word they really like to use here in the CBU music department!)

Things have been pretty overwhelming the last week and a half, but there are a couple songs we sing in choir that make me cry every time.  I really feel God surrounding me every time I sing them and it's an amazing, overwhelming feeling.  Here are some of the lyrics...

All to Jesus I surrender,
All to Him I freely give,
and I will ever love and trust Him,
In His presence daily live.

All to Jesus I surrender;
Make me, Savior, wholly Thine;
Let me feel Thy Holy Spirit
Truly know that Thou art mine.

All to Jesus I surrender,
Lord, I give myself to Thee;
Fill me with Thy love and Thy power,
Let Thy blessing fall on me.

Jesus, I can trust in You,
How I want to do Your will;
Come and take complete control,
Come and heal my wounded soul

Oh, when I am alone, give me Jesus.
You may have all the rest, give me Jesus.
And when I want to sing, give me Jesus.
And when I am alone, give me Jesus...

I hope you all are well and I pray that you would all keep your eyes on Jesus, no matter who or what tries to get in the way.  He is so much greater than everything else in this world...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

My new apartment...

Since most of you won't be coming to visit me at my new apartment, here is a little tour of my new place!  :)  1. my bedroom   2. my bed and desk  3. living room and one of my roommates, Amy  4. living room  5. kitchen/dining area
4. 5.

And my favorite part... we have 3 closets! (2 of them are walk-ins)  Can you guess which sections are mine?  If you can't tell, you don't know me at all!  ;)
Yes the 2nd two pics are mine... my roommate and I have some differences when it comes to clothes :)

P.S. Click on the pics to magnify them... and now you've seen my place!!  :)

Lots of change...

For the past couple weeks, I've felt like I've been on vacation and am going to go back home soon.  I'm on such new territory that it just won't settle.  Well, tonight it started to set in!  I was talking to my mom and she was telling me about choir practice and it hit me that so much has changed - not just in my life but all around.  Not only have I moved away from the familiar, but things are never going to be the same again.  That statement seems so depressing, but it's just the honest truth.  Change is good, but so hard... never gets easier!  

... just my thoughts at the moment.

For those of you who are computer illiterate :)

Okay, so I stole this from my friend, Linda :) ...

Since some of you have notified me that you read my blogs habitually and want to comment but don't know how...

Step 1: Click at the bottom of the post where it says "0" Comments

Step 2a: If you want to make an account, go to "Choose an identity" and click "Sign up here." It will walk you through entering email and making a password.  Or...

Step 2b: If you don't want to make an account, just click the dot on anonymous instead.

Step 3: Next, just type your comment in the box, type the word verification in the other box, and click "Publish Your Comment"

Note: If you post anonymously, sign your name at the bottom of the comment section so I know it's you!

And you're done! :)  So comment away...

Monday, September 1, 2008

At the beach in Oceanside...

As the deer pants for streams of water,
so my soul pants for you, O God.
My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.
When can I go and meet with God?

Why are you downcast, O my soul?
Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him,
my Savior and my God.

Come and make my heart your home.
Come and be everything I am and all I know.
Search me through and through
'til my heart becomes a home for you...

...nice day at the beach.  Time to relax, read, listen to music, journal, pray? GOOD.  Sunburns? BAD... very bad :(

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Great weekend so far!

My sister, Tiffany, came down south this last Friday and Saturday to celebrate our friend, Katherine's 21st birthday.  Friday night we had a great girls night and then Saturday we went to the Hollywood Bowl and saw John Williams live in concert!!!!!!!!  He was conducting his own music and it was absolutely AMAZING.  It was just incredible sitting through a concert hearing all of the beautiful music he's written.  For those of you who don't know who John Williams is, he has written the music from:

Star Wars
Indiana Jones
Harry Potter
The Olympics
Sabrina (the remake)  
Jurassic Park
... and many many more greats.  If you're interested, here's a link to his many compositions:

Sitting through the concert, I was in awe of all of the beautiful music he's composed.  It just makes me wonder what goes through a person's mind who writes such awesome music!  Really... how do you do that??  How do you hear the melodies and arrangements? Orchestrations?  AMAZING.


That was a great start to the long weekend.  Tiff had to go home Saturday night, but this morning (Sun), my Auntie Susan and cousin Brooke picked me up and brought me to San Diego.  We're now staying with and visiting with my cousin Jessica... it's the first time I've gotten to visit her at her house and it's just been really relaxing and nice to laugh and let your guard down with people who know and love you.   We also went to BJ's and had pizzookies tonight... mmmmmm :)

A couple more days of fun and school starts on Thursday!  Eek!  :)

Friday, August 29, 2008

Today I miss...

Burrito Loco tacoooooooooos!!! Mm...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I miss...

people who love me and give me big hugs.

Monday, August 25, 2008


Music rehearsal camp is finally over... 27 total hours of singing in the last 3 days.  Enough said.

But good news! I finally got my new laptop... Macbook Pro! :)  It's so pretty... and now I can finally reconnect with all of you.  For those of you who didn't get one of my contact cards, my new address is:

Tamara Shibata
8432 Magnolia Ave. Box 1216
Riverside, CA 2504

(My cell is still the same... and so is my email address...

I have school email, but I'll mainly be using the juno address.  Just in case you didn't know, I LOVE snail mail :)  But who doesn't?  

It's only been 3 days, but I can already tell God is going to be teaching me a ton here.  It doesn't quite feel like home yet, but I'm getting settled.  It still feels like I'm on a trip and will be home soon.  I've met a ton of random people so far.  No lifetime friends yet :)  but I'll get there.

Love to all :)

Saturday, August 23, 2008

I made it...

I'm finally at CBU - moved into my apartment yesterday and have already unpacked all my stuff. Finding a way to store all of my shoes was a task, but I found a way :) I'll post pics of my new place once I get my new laptop on Monday (my roommate is letting me use her comp)...

So yesterday was move-in/check-in. My family came down and helped me move my stuff in, took me to Target to get a few essentials and went on their way. I unpacked a little and then went to a music student meeting for announcements, then dinner in the Alumni Dining Commons and music registration (picking up music, pictures, and signing up for private instruction). Then I went over to an ice cream social in the ADC and met my Focus Team leaders (that's the group I'll be doing activities with during orientation). They were very nice and we had fun just visiting. Then back to the apartment to unpack more and sleep...

Today was a LONG day. Singing from 9am to 9pm. TWELVE HOURS... in case you didn't add it up :) I'm exhausted, yet refreshed at the same time. Lots of good music, sight reading, and tons of amazingly talented musicians. It's pretty overwhelming. I've never really been in an environment like this. Doc put me on the spot to sing in front of everybody already - geez, I thought I'd be okay on the first day! :) He played this game where he picked a song with a long solo and he'd just pick different people to sing the solo for awhile and then pick another person. When he explained it, I was dreading it, then thought he'd only pick veterans, but no. I was wrong. I didn't have much time to think... as I was avoiding eye contact, I heard "Shibata!" and looked up to see him point at me and start the music... eek! It went well, but it's just really intimidating cause there's just so much talent here! So pray for me if you think of it! :)

Okay, I need to sleep now.

I miss you all and hope all is well. Please keep me updated with your lives. Shoot me an email or give me a call...

Monday, August 18, 2008


Taco night has been conquered... Tonight, Tamara Shibata finished a full plate of tacos (One plate = 6 tacos). It may not seem amazing, but you can't judge until you've tried it.


Date: Monday, August 28th, 2008
Start time: 5:21pm
Finish time: 6:06pm
Tacos consumed: 6
Pain? Yes.
Vomit? No.
Again? Sure...

Dare to try? :)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

More than you'll ever know...

My dear friend, Shelanie, introduced me to a new song this past week and it's been in my head ever since. It's called "More Than You'll Ever Know" by Watermark. The more I listen to it, the more I can relate to it. It pretty much sums up my relationship with my friends and church family over the past few years... God is good and has blessed me with people in my life that I can truly thank him for everyday. I think I'll be sharing this song in church next Sunday (Aug 17th) - so when you hear it, please know that I am singing it to you...

Somethin' brought you to my mind today
I thought about the funny ways you make me laugh
And yet I feel like it's okay to cry with you
Somethin' about just bein' with you
When I leave I feel like I've been near God
And that's the way it ought to be

'Cause you've been more than a friend to me
You fight off my enemies
'Cause you've spoken the truth over my life
And you'll never know what it means to me
Just to know you've been on your knees for me
Oh you have blessed my life
More than you'll ever know

You had faith when I had none
You prayed God would bring me a brand new song
When I didn't think I could find the strength to sing
And all the while I'm hoping that I'll
Do the kind of praying for you that you've done for me
And that's the way it ought to be

You've carried me
You've taken upon a burden
That wasn't your own
And may the blessing return to you
A hundred fold

Cause you've been more than a friend to me
You fight off my enemies
Cause you've spoken the truth over my life
And you'll never know what it means to me
Just to know you've on your knees for me
Oh you have blessed my life
More than you'll ever know
Yeah yeah yeah

More than you'll ever know...

Sunday, August 3, 2008


The sun cannot compare to the glory of your love
There is no shadow in your presence
No mortal man would dare to stand before your throne
Before the holy one of Heaven

And it's only by your blood
And it's only through your mercy
Lord, I come.

I bring an offering of worship to my King
No one on earth deserves the praises that I sing
Jesus may you receive the honor that you're due
Oh Lord I bring an offering to you

Take my life and let it be
Consecrated Lord to thee
Take my moments and my days
Let them flow in ceaseless praise
Take my hands and let them move
At the impulse of thy love

Take my feet and let them be
Swift and beautiful for thee
Take my voice and let me sing
Always only for my King
Take my lips and let them be
Filled with messages from thee

Take my will and make it thine
It shall be no longer mine
Take my heart it is thine own
It shall be thy royal throne
Take myself and I will be
Ever only all for thee
Ever only all for thee

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

3 weeks...

And so the countdown continues... 3 weeks from today, I will be packing up and moving down to Riverside, CA. I officially started packing last night, and let me tell you - my room is a mess (and will be a mess until I leave). I just can't believe it's actually happening. I've been trying to go to CBU for 4 years now... how did this happen?

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Pictures from Europe and Mammoth...

Hi friends,
In case you didn't notice, I posted pictures to go along with all of my Europe and Mammoth entries... check em out :-)!


Friday, July 18, 2008

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I love Mammoth...

Seriously, I love being here. It's so relaxing and I love getting to see my family - especially my cousins that I only see a few times a year. What a funny group - lots of laughs and crazy stories. Plus... drum roll please...

I got a new COACH purse today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) I am so happy.

Since no one seems to remember when I'm coming home... I will be back this Saturday (July 19th) and will be in and out until I move down to Riverside August 21st... So make some time and give me a call so we can have coffee! :)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Back in the states...

Hi all!
Tiff and I made it back safely last night. It was a long day of traveling... in total, I think it was 22 hours of travel time - phew! We flew out of Rome at 10am (9 1/2 hour flight) and had a 3 hour lay over in NY. Going through customs wasn't too bad, and then back on a plane for 6 hours. We got into LAX by 8:30pm where our parents picked us up and we stayed the night at my uncle and aunt's house. So it's 8:30am but it really feels like 5:30pm for me. It was a long travel day but I'm glad to be back. In about a half an hour, our family will meet the rest of the Shibatas in Mammoth. Woo hoo!

Til next time,

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Almost home...

So our trip is finally coming to a close. It's gone by so fast, yet Paris seems like ages ago. I am happy to be going home and seeing everyone again... now reality will start to set in. The anticipation of coming back hit me last night while I was trying to sleep - just thinking about all that we've seen, the people we've met, the cultures experienced. God has blessed us with this amazing experience and I'll treasure it for years to come.

I can't wait to see my family in Mammoth, though. For those of you who don't know, the whole Shibata family gets together for one week each summer to relax, fish, and just catch up. I'm looking forward to seeing my little cousins and taking a breath before I go back to the rush of SLO life :) Once I get home, things are going to get crazy. I'll only have a month back in SLO/AG before moving down to Riverside. The list of things to do before then seem endless... yet I'm still looking forward to it.

Tiff and I start our long journey home tomorrow morning, so please be praying that we get back safely...

Love to all,

PS Brooke - check your facebook RIGHT NOW haha.

Roman ruins...

Walking around the Roman ruins yesterday, I couldn't help but stand in awe of their beauty. It's really the history behind them that make them so amazing. These walls have been through so much and now all that's left are pieces. Pieces of countless stories and events...

Who knew that something "ruined" could be so beautiful.

Friday, July 11, 2008

When in Rome...

So we made it to Rome. Pretty tired, but in one piece :) Yesterday, we wandered around the city and saw the Trevi Fountain (gorgeous!) and the Pantheon... both amazing. Today we spent the day in Vatican city... no we didn't see the pope. I had my heart set on a good pope story, but alas he is at his summer house. We spent the day in the Vatican Museum (The Sistine Chapel - oh man, you have no idea) and also in St. Peter's Church... that one pretty much topped all of the churches we've seen so far. I can't wait to share all of my pics with you! Tomorrow we will see the Colosseum and ruins - really excited about that one. Then we have one day to relax before our 18 hour travel day back to the states. We'll then go to Mammoth for a week with our fam... please keep praying for us as we finish our trip and travel back home!

I hope all is well with everyone. I feel so cut off from the world when I'm in a different country - weird. Well, more cut off from my friends :) I can't wait to see you all and swap some stories. If you've never traveled Europe... be careful! The travel bug will get ya bad!

Brooke (before I forget) - will you PLEASE save me a chile rilleno (sp?) since I'm missing that meal?? I will love you forever if you do... and also if you don't hehe. You're such a good cousin. And don't forget pics to update me on your life.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Hi friends,
We've made it safely to Italy once again. Venice is much better than Milan - the canals and city are beautiful. You just can't take a bad picture! Yesterday we spent our time wandering around the city and getting lost... lots of good shopping here (be excited dad).

Being here is wonderful, but reminding me to appreciate the small things like:

using the restroom for free
having clean clothes
using the telephone
doing our hair
grid maps from America
free internet

There are some good things about traveling, though... other than seeing great new places. We've been making some good friends. Room 206 forever! :) We have found making friends with other travelers to be fun. We met a couple from England, two cousins from Kansas City, Martin from France, a family from Ireland, and girls from Chicago.

Tomorrow morning we will fly to Rome and enjoy 4 relaxing days there... then home again! We miss you all!! I'm eating enough Gelato for all of you :)


Sunday, July 6, 2008


I'm finding Vienna to be quite refreshing. The weather is more pleasant and the city is just nicer. Since I've been here before, I get to take Tiffany to all of my favorite places. Today, we had breakfast in a cute little cafe (you haven't had apple strudel until you've had it in Vienna). We started at Schönbrunn Castle, where Marie Antoinette used to live. It's pretty amazing. We walked around the garden, to a beautiful fountain, and took a tour of the castle. We then went into the main city to see the Stephansdom Cathedral and the Vienna Opera House. Tomorrow, we'll go to see Mozart's house...

sorry these notes are so short... I ended my last blog so quickly because I had 20 seconds left on my internet time before the comp shut me out! I miss you all and hope everyone is doing well. Hugs from Austria :)
Hey look! Even Mozart drinks Starbucks!!!

Saturday, July 5, 2008


I have finally made it back to one of my favorite cities: Vienna, Austria :)

This trip has been quite the roller coaster so far. Amazing and exhausting emotionally and physically. Thursday in Paris was a bad day... lots happened, but let's just say I ended up walking around Notre Dame by myself. We'll just leave it at that - things have been better since. Tiff and I have been finding our way around the city pretty well... haven't gotten on the wrong bus, metro, or plane yet!

Since I last posted something, we left Paris and flew to Milan, Italy... not my favorite place in the world. To be perfectly honest, it was dirty, confusing, and smelled like sweat and cigarette smoke. I am much happier to be in Vienna again. We did see an amazing cathedral in the middle of the city, though. And the shopping was pretty good - a lot of designers, too expensive for me, but still fun. Oh and a really nice looking Italian boy asked me to marry him yesterday... he came up to me with birds seeds in his hand, transferred them to my hand, whistled and half a dozen dirty birds came to perch on my hands. After finding out that I was not married, he popped the question... very romantic (please sense the sarcasm).

OH and I purchased my first pair of Italian shoes... don't worry, I didn't trade Tiff's plane ticket for them :) To my surprise, it was difficult to find heels in Milan so I bought some cute white flats. But to anyone who's been to Europe, you know flats are a must. Until next time!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Bonjour from Paris!

Tiffany and I made it here safely. The plane ride was smooth - long but smooth. (sorry for any typos - the keyboards here are weird!) We made it to our hotel by bus, metro and some helpful people along the way. A nice boy at the airport gave us a map, directions, and rode with us on the bus downtown. And when we were looking for our hotel, we met a nice family from Ireland who were staying at our hotel and offered to walk us there... We arrived at the hotel by 10pm, so took showers and went to bed. The next day (Tues) we got up early and rode the metro into town. We walked to the Arc de Triomphe, which was amazing - surprisingly the first place we spotted any other tourists! For once I didn't feel out of place snapping a picture. Then we went to the Museè Marmottan, which had the whole bottom floor dedicated to Monet :) We then moved on to the Eiffel Tower... a lot bigger than I had imagined! We hiked up the first two floors (took a break on the first floor to have some lunch) then took the elevator to the top. I haven't had my glass of wine yet, but did have a glass of champagne at the top of the Eiffel Tower :-)

Today (Wed) we went to the Louvre and saw the Mona Lisa and sculptures by Michelangelo. (Mom - we bought your present there... be excited). Tonight we will be going on a night bus tour to see the city of lights. And tomorrow we will take a walk around Notre Dame and the cathedrals around there - AND shop!

Til next time... sending love and hugs to those reading!

P.S. Maggie - Did you know that Gerard's family hosts a restaurant in the London Heathrow airport? :-)