Sunday, January 25, 2009


It's been a long time since I blogged my thoughts. I guess I just feel like I have to have something amazing to say - I can't just write to write.  And then months go by and there's nothing written down.  Sometimes it feels like life moves so fast and there's so much going on that there's no time to just stop and think about all the things I'm learning.  Like sometimes I'm thinking so much about the next thing I'm going to experience that I forget to stop and reflect on what's actually happening now.  Like there are so many things that go on that I can't just pick one thing to learn - it's all melting together - like all these experiences are simply forming... me.  

I guess I usually feel like I have to have something to say or share - but this is just me.  I am who I am.  I'm figuring out who that is.   I think I'm becoming the woman God intended me to be (I hope!)  And I may not know exactly what God is teaching me every day of my life, but I do know that he is forming me... shaping me... into... what?  I guess I'm not exactly sure who that is yet.  I do know some of what it is.  I know that I'm a person who...

loves sitting in Starbucks with a friend (old or new) talking for hours about anything and everything - pleasant and unpleasant.
I love to have serious, hard, thought-provoking conversations.
I love to laugh until my stomach hurts.
I love people who hug me and don't pull away right away.
I love when a friend walks into the room and brightens my day without speaking.
I love watching sappy chick flicks with girlfriends.
I love little kids and the way they love unconditionally and without fear of being hurt.
I love the way music can connect strangers.
I love getting letters in the mail.
I love seeing someone's face after they've received an unexpected gift.
I love cuddling.
I love to see people worshiping God and being washed over by his wonderful presence.
I love snuggling up in a warm blanket and reading a good book.
I love getting dressed up and pretty.
I love dancing when it's with someone special.
I love taking goofy pictures with friends.
I love bonfires and Reese's s'mores.
I love people who challenge me because they love me.
I love God and the fact that he's given me so many wonderful things to be thankful for.
Thank you, Jesus!

Friday, January 23, 2009

I'm exhausted...

and ready for a break... and sleep.

:(  Evil music history exams.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Christmas break...

A lot has happened since I last posted something... finals, Laurel's wedding, Christmas travels, being at home...

So first off - my first semester at CBU is over and it was an interesting one.  It has been very difficult (in ways I did not expect) but I do not regret transferring because I know that this is where God has led me.  He has stretched me through this experience and will continue to do so as I have only 3 semesters to go.  It's weird to think that I am already 1/4 of the way through my CBU career!  Just a reminder that I need to work really hard.  But I was very happy with my grades at the end of the semester :)  *The above picture is from a Christmas dinner we did with some of the girls in our apartment building before going home for the holiday.

Laurel and Daniel got married (again hehe) on December 20th and I was honored enough to celebrate it with them!  Laurel looked absolutely beautiful and was so happy!  

After Laurel and Daniel's wedding, I returned home for Christmas with my family.  We traveled to Indio, Pasadena, and Valencia this year to visit different parts of our family.  It was a great time to just relax and catch up with everyone.

After Christmas, I was able to be at home for a week before heading back to school.  My schedule was pretty much booked solid for the whole week, but I got to spend time with lots of people.  Everyone at home is so wonderful that it makes it very difficult going back to school!  But I think this semester will fly by and then I'll be home for summer :)
*Some of my former high school students/choir members (Leanne, me, Augusta, Lynne) - I love those girls so much!